
UNDP helps clear roads after Myanmar's Cyclone Mocha

UNDP begins recovery after Cyclone Mocha

The tropical storm devastated coastal communities in Myanmar’s Rakhine State, destroying homes, infrastructure and livelihoods. UNDP was quick to respond, focused on helping communities recover as quickly as possible and people to get back on their feet.

Screening for non-communicable diseases in Myanmar.jpg

Volunteering on the health frontlines in Myanmar

Older women and men in Myanmar are going house-to-house in their communities to check their neighbours for signs of non-communicable diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Older citizen monitor Uganda

The older volunteers helping deliver pensions in Uganda

Since 2011, Uganda has been gradually rolling out a state-funded social pension. To make sure this service is delivered accurately, efficiently and effectively, older people are holding their government to account.

Hpa-An flood response

Relief aid a lifeline for flood-affected villages in Myanmar

When heavy rains brought floods to villages in Hpa-An and Bago, I joined HelpAge Internationals’s aid distribution to hear the stories of older people affected.