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Youth protest in Yangon

I followed young activists in Yangon as they went out to protest against the military coup in Myanmar in February 2021.

I shot this video for SRF News in Switzerland.

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Myanmar's ageing volunteers on the health frontline

Countless older people in Myanmar are unaware of the dangers of non-communicable diseases. Most are not regularly screened and do not know the symptoms. HelpAge International is helping communities through organising health screenings teams that go house-to-house assessing everyone aged 40 and over and educating them on NCDs.

I shot and edited this video on the project.

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Older people are helping Uganda deliver its pension

Uganda has gradually introduced a state-funded social pension since 2011, helping to lift older people out of poverty. But it has had challenges in registering the right people, raising awareness about the scheme and ensuring people can collect their payments. Addressing these challenges is key to the success of social pensions. HelpAge International is running a project to ensure accountability in these communities, and older people have a key role to play.

I shot and edited this video on the project.